We are hosting the LSB’s Personal Risk Forum online on Tuesday 7 February 2023, between 14:00-15:00. Focusing on issues relating to the personal Standards, the Forum is an opportunity to meet and learn from colleagues across the industry in a Chatham House rules environment. Below is a summary of the topics we will cover on the day. If you are interested in attending, please check availability by contacting us at insight@lstdb.org.uk
Cost-of-living crisis
Are firms seeing customers in increased levels of difficulty? If so, what emerging issues or trends have they seen? Are firms having to adapt their pre-arrears strategies or forbearance measures in response to the cost-of-living crisis? Have firms seen an increase in customers being identified as vulnerable and, if so, how are firms reacting to this?
Alternative sources of finance
Are customers increasingly using alternative sources of finance (for example, HCSTC or BNPL)? If so, what risks does this pose, if any? Are firms seeing any evidence of customers borrowing from illegal lenders, and are staff trained to identify and support victims of illegal lending?
FCA’s Consumer Duty and regulatory change
How are firms progressing towards the Duty and is this changing how they approach the treatment of vulnerable customers? Are there any areas where the LSB can support registered firms whilst they implement the Consumer Duty? Do attendees have any initial thoughts or views on the impact of the current proposals to reform the Consumer Credit Act?
Digital journeys
As firms increasingly promote digital journeys, how do they ensure an inclusive approach (for example, during the design stage)? How are firms encouraging vulnerable customers to self-disclose and make contact during their digital journeys?