
Atom bank becomes an interim registered firm with the LSB’s Standards of Lending Practice for business customers

We are delighted to announce challenger bank, Atom bank, is the latest interim registered firm of the LSB’s Standards of Lending Practice for business customers.

Atom bank becomes an interim registered firm with the LSB’s Standards of Lending Practice for business customers Read More >

We are delighted to announce challenger bank, Atom bank, is the latest interim registered firm of the LSB’s Standards of Lending Practice for business customers.

FCA confirms recognition for the LSB’s update to Standards for CBILS and BBLS lending

The FCA has confirmed that the formal recognition of the Standards of Lending Practice for business customers has been maintained and that recognition now covers the updates to the Standards issued by the LSB to take account of the Government’s new coronavirus lending schemes.

FCA confirms recognition for the LSB’s update to Standards for CBILS and BBLS lending Read More >

The FCA has confirmed that the formal recognition of the Standards of Lending Practice for business customers has been maintained and that recognition now covers the updates to the Standards issued by the LSB to take account of the Government’s new coronavirus lending schemes.

Life after lockdown – supporting case studies and guidance notes

As part of their new Coronavirus insights series: Life after lockdown, Insight & Support have created a training session for registered firms on supporting customers after lockdown.

Life after lockdown – supporting case studies and guidance notes Read More >

As part of their new Coronavirus insights series: Life after lockdown, Insight & Support have created a training session for registered firms on supporting customers after lockdown.

Review of the CRM Code

The LSB has today launched a review of the CRM Code for APP scams. The review will consider the Code’s effectiveness in its first year and impact on consumers and the industry.

Review of the CRM Code Read More >

The LSB has today launched a review of the CRM Code for APP scams. The review will consider the Code’s effectiveness in its first year and impact on consumers and the industry.

Blog: I refuse to remote work any longer….I’m connected working. 

As organisations start to work out if, how and when employees will return to the office, our Head of Insight and Support, Anna Roughley blogs about her experience and thoughts on connected working.

Blog: I refuse to remote work any longer….I’m connected working.  Read More >

As organisations start to work out if, how and when employees will return to the office, our Head of Insight and Support, Anna Roughley blogs about her experience and thoughts on connected working.

Coronavirus; working through it

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Insight & Support published a series of thought pieces focusing on authorised push payment (APP) scams, vulnerability, and SME financial difficulty.

Coronavirus; working through it Read More >

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Insight & Support published a series of thought pieces focusing on authorised push payment (APP) scams, vulnerability, and SME financial difficulty.