Turning a Corner – joint LSB and IFT report launched
Coronavirus and the steps taken […]
Turning a Corner – joint LSB and IFT report launched Read More >
Coronavirus and the steps taken
Coronavirus and the steps taken […]
Turning a Corner – joint LSB and IFT report launched Read More >
Coronavirus and the steps taken
Today, we have launched a report assessing signatory firms’ progress against the CRM Code, specifically their approach to the reimbursement of customers who have fallen victim to APP fraud.
LSB issues warning to CRM Code signatories over Authorised Push Payment (APP) scams Read More >
Today, we have launched a report assessing signatory firms’ progress against the CRM Code, specifically their approach to the reimbursement of customers who have fallen victim to APP fraud.
Maintaining access to cash and banking services is essential for local communities. Today we launch a review of the Access to Banking Standard which aims to minimise the impact of bank branch closures, to determine whether it remains effective in driving fair outcomes.
Review of the Access to Banking Standard Read More >
Maintaining access to cash and banking services is essential for local communities. Today we launch a review of the Access to Banking Standard which aims to minimise the impact of bank branch closures, to determine whether it remains effective in driving fair outcomes.
This Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re reflecting on the powerful benefits of nature to our mental health. LSB’s Head of Insight & Support Anna shares her lockdown experience and how the LSB is supporting firms to identify mental ill health in our latest blog.
Mental Health Awareness Week – using nature to nurture wellbeing Read More >
This Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re reflecting on the powerful benefits of nature to our mental health. LSB’s Head of Insight & Support Anna shares her lockdown experience and how the LSB is supporting firms to identify mental ill health in our latest blog.
In an increasingly complex regulatory landscape, the sheer number of rules and requirements can seem overwhelming for financial services firms. But this does not mean that ensuring good customer outcomes should fall off the agenda.
Standards for all: delivering good outcomes regardless of size Read More >
In an increasingly complex regulatory landscape, the sheer number of rules and requirements can seem overwhelming for financial services firms. But this does not mean that ensuring good customer outcomes should fall off the agenda.
Is there a risk that jargon could lead to bad customer outcomes? Read our latest article to find out why keeping it simple with communications can hold the key to customer engagement in financial services.
Keeping it simple: the fight against jargon and unsuitable comms Read More >
Is there a risk that jargon could lead to bad customer outcomes? Read our latest article to find out why keeping it simple with communications can hold the key to customer engagement in financial services.
Today, we have published updates to the CRM Code for APP scams following a full review of the Code earlier this year. The amendments include the introduction of a governance framework for signatory firms and updates to the no-blame funding wording.
Updates to the CRM Code published by the LSB Read More >
Today, we have published updates to the CRM Code for APP scams following a full review of the Code earlier this year. The amendments include the introduction of a governance framework for signatory firms and updates to the no-blame funding wording.
Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud
The power of prevention in the fight against APP fraud Read More >
Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud
Today, we are launching revised Standards of Lending Practice for personal customers as part of our mission to drive fair customer outcomes in financial services.
The LSB launches revised Standards of Lending Practice for personal customers Read More >
Today, we are launching revised Standards of Lending Practice for personal customers as part of our mission to drive fair customer outcomes in financial services.